
This website was built using Angular and pre-rendered using Angular Application Builder. The initial page view is static and then the website functions like a single-page application. Static Site Generation (SSG) with hydration is used.


This website is hosted on GitHub Pages. The GitHub repository is public. To deploy the website to GitHub Pages angular-cli-ghpages is used.


Blog posts

The blog posts are loaded from markdown files, which contain all metadata in the header. Here's an example:

title: About this Website
author: Rico
  - Angular
  - Markdown
  - YAML
description: A quick insight into how this website works.
date: 5/12/24

When the page is initially accessed, the data has already been pre-rendered. When navigating after the initial page view, the data is loaded via http requests.


Portfolio project information is loaded dynamically from a JSON file.

"projects": [
    "name": "BlogTube",
    "description": "A WordPress theme that is based on the design scheme of YouTube",
    "image": "assets\\images\\blogtube.avif",
    "features": [
        "infinite scroll feed",
        "custom sidemenu",
        "custom primary color",
        "custom font"
    "projectURL": "",
    "githubURL": "",
    "technologies": [