This website was created and pre-rendered with Angular. The initial page load is therefore static and the browser then takes over the rendering (SPA). Server-side rendering does not take place so that the website can be deployed without a VPS.
This website is hosted on GitHub Pages. The GitHub repository is public. To deploy the website to GitHub Pages angular-cli-ghpages is used.
PageSpeed Insights
Due to GitHub Pages, the total blocking time is higher and the overall rating of 100 for the "performance" point is unfortunately not achieved. When using a VPS, the total blocking time is not a problem.
Blog posts
The blog posts are loaded from markdown files, which contain all metadata in the header. Here's an example:
title: About this Website
author: Rico
- Angular
- Markdown
- Prerendering
- GitHub Pages
description: A quick insight into how this website works.
date: 5/12/24
When the page is initially called up, it is already pre-rendered. When navigating subsequently, the data is loaded via HTTP requests. Only 1 - 2 kB are loaded for the Markdown file and, if necessary, data for images.
Only one Markdown file needs to be created for a new blog post. All other data is created automatically (sitemap, list of posts for the feed and list of route parameters for pre-rendering).
Portfolio project information is loaded dynamically from a JSON file.
"title": "BlogTube - A WordPress YouTube clone",
"author": "Rico",
"image": "/images/blogtube-post-screenshot.avif",
"keywords": ["YouTube", "WordPress", "WordPress Theme"],
"description": "BlogTube is a WordPress theme that is based on the design scheme of YouTube",
"date": "2024-05-18",
"fileName": "blogtube"